Harmony in Leadership: Unlocking the Power of Collaboration

Louise’s Journey to Collaborative Leadership

Collaboration was the primary challenge for my client Louise, the successful Executive Director of an assisted living facility. She effectively met the needs of her residents, boss, and staff, but there was a hiccup – she wasn’t known for playing well with the other six Executive Directors. Tension lingered, and communication was limited.

Collaboration, the art of working together to achieve something great, was a skill Louise needed in her toolkit. Her boss expected her to team up on crafting policies, procedures, and snagging those important purchasing agreements. The company and its residents would thrive if Louise mastered the art of collaboration.

The Collaboration Conundrum

The collaboration bug doesn’t discriminate; it bites both big and small companies alike. When one worker refuses to lend a hand to another, or one department shuts its doors to another, everyone loses. The customers, investors, vendors, and the whole community suffer.

A Blueprint for Change

For leaders, the question is where to start the collaboration evolution. My proposal, that they build a collaborative culture where staff:

  • Embrace the truth that different teams are like puzzle pieces – they need each other to create the bigger product for the customer.
  • Study the language of other teams to learn what makes them tick.
  • Applaud those who step up, take charge, offer their expertise, and stay in the know.
  • Acknowledge that every individual and team carry their own baggage—baggage that includes insecurities, issues, and shortcomings, as well as unique strengths.
  • Ask questions and listen to each other.

How to Spark the Change

As the Leader, be the change you want to see. Model the art of asking insightful questions and really, truly listening to your direct reports. Gather them and pose a question that will open possibilities, such as:

“What would have to happen, personally and professionally for you to collaborate seamlessly with your peers?”

When personal and professional needs come to light, collaboration blossoms. Just ask Louise—she transformed into the chief collaboration influencer and was promoted to create a value-based model of care delivery. And that, my friends, is the power of collaboration in action.

When personal and professional needs come to light, collaboration blossoms. Just ask Louise – she transformed into the chief collaboration influencer and was promoted to create a value-based model of care delivery. And that, my friends, is the power of collaboration in action.

Chuck Scharenberg is the Founder of More Profit More Freedom, a consultancy that supports new CEOs and their top team members with the infrastructure to scale their businesses.