Crafting a Brighter Business Future: Unleash Your Inner Visionary

Introduction: We all enjoy planning a getaway. It’s that moment when we set aside our daily grind and let our imaginations run wild, envisioning the exciting possibilities ahead. Remember the last time you planned a trip? Now, imagine applying that same invigorating energy to shape the future of your business. Intriguing, right? Even in the heart of August, my own kin are already mapping out a Christmas adventure – the excitement is infectious!

As millennial CEOs and leaders, the task at hand is to create a compelling future for everyone invested in our ventures, and there’s no time like the present to start this journey. But let’s be honest, between the day-to-day hustle and bustle, conjuring up innovative plans for the upcoming year can feel like an uphill climb. The demands of the present can stifle our ability to think creatively about what lies ahead. Rekindling that fire within us can take time.

Spark Your Imagination: However, here’s the secret: we hold the power to reignite our enthusiasm through imagination. Visualize a moment in time – be it three years down the road or just six months ahead – where every piece of your business narrative fits seamlessly. Imagine temporarily letting go of the past and the present, and instead, focusing on the future. Delve into the essential questions:

  • Who is our dedicated audience?
  • What transformational outcome do they need from us?
  • How does this outcome impact them?
  • When and where do they need our solution?
  • What’s the ideal approach to deliver it to them?

Oh, and for bonus points:

  • How does this journey benefit me?

Bringing this imaginative exercise to life, perhaps in the form of an inner video playing in your mind, can work wonders. Imagine seeing an age-progressed version of your future self engrossed in the very tasks you handle today.

Psychological Boost: Adding a psychological twist, as suggested by psychologist Hal Hershfield on the Hidden Brain Podcast, can take this a step further. He proposes a dialogue between your present self and future self – penning letters to and from both personas. This interesting practice bridges the gap between present reality and future potential.

Harness Your Vision: Just like planning a vacation, once you’ve decoded what truly matters and what sparks your passion, your approach to planning the future becomes filled with creativity. Now, here’s the challenge for you:


How can you harness this technique to visualize an exciting future for your business today?

So, embrace your inner visionary, map out the path ahead, and get ready to see your business thrive in ways you’ve only dared to imagine.

Chuck Scharenberg is the Founder of More Profit More Freedom, a consultancy that empowers CEOs and their teams to drive large-scale growth by integrating People, Strategy, and Execution components, with a strong emphasis on Execution.