Embracing Kaizen: Empowering Visionary Millennial CEOs to Overcome Business Hurdles

Have you ever found yourself immobilized, unable to make progress on something of significant importance? I certainly have, and I know many business leaders share this experience. For years, my drive and passion have been dedicated to helping entrepreneurs like you break free from inertia.

When I assist Millennial CEOs and leaders in New Product Development to navigate through challenges, our journey begins by gaining crystal-clear clarity about their aspirations. Whether it’s envisioning the future of their entire business or planning the next six months, we dive deep into what lies ahead.

Collaboratively, they cultivate a meaningful vision that’s:

• Expressed in positive terms

• Initiated and steered by themself

• Broken down into manageable chunks

• Attuned to potential actions and reactions

• Aligned with their personal growth objectives

My role is to equip them with tools and frameworks that not only prevent stagnation but also propel their visions forward. After all, as Michael G. Walsh aptly puts it, “a vision without structure creates chaos or it falls flat.”¹

Our starting point is Kaizen—the philosophy of incremental growth and continuous improvement. It forms the bedrock of our approach.

• Change is introduced gradually.

• Attention remains steadfast on the current task at hand.

 Daily routines don’t cloud the bigger picture.

 Think of it as a marathon—each step building upon the last.

• When faced with a standstill, the next move is small yet crucial.

• Achievements, no matter how modest, are celebrated.

 We wholeheartedly embrace the concept of a 1% daily enhancement.

• And this journey is unending, marked by unending progress.


The Kaizen strategy is my ultimate go-to for driving stuck business leaders forward.

So, what’s one incremental change you can make to bolster your business’s vision?


¹Michael G. Walsh, Thinking Big is not Enough, Influence Publishing 2015, p. 4

Chuck Scharenberg is the Founder of More Profit More Freedom, a consultancy that empower IT and other technical executives to drive large-scale growth for their businesses by integrating People, Strategy, and Execution components, with a strong emphasis on Execution.